General Questions
How do I invite friends?
Once logged in you can invite friends from you profile dashboard, or the shortcut in the top navigation.
Can a business use this site?
Yes, when registering to the site, please select business account. As we continue to develop this community, we’ll be adding features specific for businesses.
I want to share a link, how can I do that?
You can share a link from the main feed/status bar. This will be shared to the network, or the audience you selected.
Note, these links will not create a post on Oilconvo. The links shared by Oilconvo news, or demo accounts are modified “write a post” articles linking back to the original source.
What is the feed?
The feed can be found on the home page, and your profile dashboard. The feed allows you to share a link, status update, comment, like and even @mention others in the community.
How do I add videos?
At this time you cannot upload a video to Oilconvo, but you can share a youtube link to the feed, or embed to the write a post page.
Can I share photos?
No, at this time you cannot share a photo.
Can I report another user?
Yes, you can report any user on the site for violating any of our policies, harassment or other issues you may have. Please send an email to [email protected].
Profile Questions
Can I customize my profile picture?
Yes, you can. Navigate to your profile (links in the upper right corner), and click on the “profile” tab. Once there, select “Change Profile Photo”.
Minimum Size is 210 x 210 pixels. You can upload any image, and the system will allow you to adjust and crop appropriately.
How do I customize my profile background?
Yes, you can. Navigate to your profile (links in the upper right corner), and click on the “profile” tab. Once there, select “Change Cover Image”.
Cover image should be 1200px wide, and 225px tall.
Please note that all images should be appropriate, and inappropriate images will be taken down and may result in account suspension.
Can I hide my profile/make it private?
Yes, you can make most of your information private. Navigate to your profile (links in the upper right corner), and click on the “Settings” tab. Once there, select “Profile Visibility”.
There are some elements, like display name that are public.
Can I change my display name?
Yes, you can. Navigate to your profile (links in the upper right corner), and click on the “profile” tab. Once there, select “Edit”.
I joined the site, but I wasn't approved. What can I do?
Oilconvo is dedicated to keeping a robust conversation of oil and gas professionals and enthusiasts. We actively approve every member, and often block members who appear to be spammers, bots or ill indented individuals.
If you believe you were blocked by mistake, please email [email protected].
My account got suspended. What can I do?
Oilconvo is dedicated to keeping a robust conversation of oil and gas professionals and enthusiasts. We actively monitor the conversations and posts of every member, and if a member is found to be spamming, harassing or posting irrelevant content, we will permanently block them.
If you believe you were blocked by mistake, please email [email protected].
Content Questions
When writing a post how do I add tags, category or feature image?
While on the write a post page, click the icon in the upper right corner next to preview. An options column will appear giving you the ability to add categories, tags and the featured image.
The featured image size is 650 × 400 pixels.
I wrote an article, but I cannot find it?
Oilconvo is dedicated to keeping a robust conversation of oil and gas professionals and enthusiasts. We actively approve every post to ensure quality and often can help provide support to authors.
Once you’ve shown that you are awesome and have earned the trust of the community, we’ll white list you as an author, and your posts will be automatically approved.
Note: we try to approve all posts within 12 hours max, and aim for a 30 min window.
Post formatting question?
When writing a full post, all of the formatting options are a highlight away. Simply highlight the text you want to format, and the formatting bar will appear above.
If I share a link, who sees it?
When you share a link from the main feed, it’s shown to the entire Oilconvo network by default. There is an option to change who sees the content in a drop down on the right.
Business and Advertising Questions
How does this site make money?
Oilconvo is currently ad supported. While you may not see ads on the site yet, as we’re in beta, we’ll be adding relevant ads over time.
The use of the site for members (both users and businesses) is free.
Can a business advertise on Oilconvo?
Yes, we are in the process of integrating several advertising positions on the site. If you are interested in advertising, please send an email to [email protected].
Can I recruit or add jobs on Oilconvo?
At this time, no. We do not allow jobs or recruitment posts to be submitted as news articles.
That said, we have jobs on the product road map and will keep everyone updated, as we get closer to that product update.
Our goal with Oilconvo is to encourage the conversation, as there are plenty of “job boards” out there.