Middle East

Putin’s power play: Russia-Saudi oil deal a launchpad for bigger Russian influence in Mideast

Saudi Arabia’s oil production agreement with Russia was opportunistic at first, but it is now the foundation for a broader relationship. The full article, linked below goes into greater detail. The quote of the entire article is: “Right now Russia and Saudi Arabia’s relationship is becoming thicker than oil,” Croft said. As for the Saudis, “I think they see themselves as trying to show the Russians they have a better friend in the Middle East (than Iran).” Here’s a quick summary: The agreement between Saudi Arabia and Russia to cut back on oil production has boosted oil prices and is now the foundation for a broader relationship. The partnership with OPEC, led by Saudi Arabia, allows Russia to strengthen its hand in the Middle East at the same time the U.S. role has been diminished. S...

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