
  • Tom Kirkman posted an update 6 years, 1 month ago

    The U.S. should butt out of EU energy policy.

    The U.S. has no business threatening sanctions on EU companies that participate in the construction of a gas pipeline destined for distribution to the EU.

    I’m a very strong supporter of oil & gas & LNG, and I fully support developing infrastructure and pipelines that support the hydrocarbon industry.

    The U.S. is dead wrong in trying to impose its vested interests in selling its exported higher priced LNG to the EU by trying to block a new Russian gas pipeline.

    Russia’s Nord Stream 2 project is good for long term energy infrastructure for natural gas distribrution to the EU.

    If EU countries want to diversify their energy supply by buying LNG at a higher price than piped natural gas from Russia, fine, no issue. Their choice.

    But the U.S. has no business trying to stop another natural gas pipeline to the EU from being built – that is just stupid, counter-productive and arrogant.

    Russia is *not* the enemy, regardless of how MSM screams hysterically about RUSSIA RUSSIA RUSSIA ! ! ! ELEVENTY !

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