
  • Tom Kirkman posted an update 6 years, 1 month ago

    I support pipelines for transporting hydrocarbons, be it oil or natural gas. Once a pipeline infrastructure is completed, it has been shown that pipelines are the safest way to transport oil.

    Yes, transporting natural gas in the form of LNG is probably safer than a natural gas pipeline. But it is also much more expensive.

    Nord Stream 2 should be built. It is useful infrastructure for supplying gas by land to the EU.

    And the U.S. and other countries (such as Australia and Malaysia) should also be allowed to sell LNG to the EU if there is a willing buyer / willing seller relationship.

    Don’t torpedo building Nord Stream 2 just because of short term politics. Long term, NS2 will be beneficial.

    Just my opinion, as always, you are free to disagree.

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